Money Saving Resources for Business Owners

International Money Pile in Cash and Coins
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In these uncertain economic times it has become clear to many small business owners that saving money is the alternative to closing down shop. Operating on shoestring budgets with cash poor clients makes for tough times. At BASC Expertise we provide a variety of services including payroll and bookkeeping to our clients so they can focus on their core business. Here are money saving resources for Phoenix area business owners:

ASU Surplus Property Auction & Retail Sales


Did you know ASU auctions and sells items they university is no longer utilizing? Items include computer monitors, printers, golf carts, office furniture, projectors, cameras and more! The equipment is no longer under warranty and well under retail prices. Surplus Property is open to the public Monday thru Saturday noon-4pm for retail sales. Auctions take place the second Thursday of every month online and in person. The next auction (live and online) is September 8, 2011. Learn more on the website and watching this Fox News story.

Training & Education Materials

We have all been to conferences and seminars where the keynote speakers offer their products at “conference only” pricing. Have you considered checking online resources for deeper discounts? and are two excellent resources for great prices on new and used books and other materials.

Rather than searching many websites and through used book stores, why not try This site pulls resources like Amazon, Half and traditional book stores like Barnes & Noble into one easy search. We searched “Kiyosaki” and came up with more than a dozen options including the ones names above plus Wal-Mart,, and

Barter Groups


Have you considered barter or trade to build your business? Many cash strapped local business owners are joining barter groups to save cash for rent, equipment and utilities. They utilize barter dollars for expenses like marketing, website development, payroll outsourcing and dining out.

Get creative with barter and it can lead to cash business. For example, your website is built with barter dollars and you have a client in need of a website. The client pays you cash for the website that you outsource to your web developer. You pay the developer in barter dollars. Your barter dollars are now cash and you have created your own sort of local monetary exchange.

Take it one step further. Your client tells their friend about working with you and the new website and now they want a website too. Now you have another cash client. Consider joining a barter group like Tradesource Barter, a twenty-five+ year old barter group located here in the Valley.

We look forward to hearing your money saving tips!


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