Whether you’re searching for individual tax related information or a business owner in need of answers, the IRS website (irs.gov) offers a variety of information. If you can believe it, the site is fairly user-friendly with tabs for everything from tax forms to filing guides to identity theft prevention tips. In fact there is so much information available we picked our seven favorite topics to share with you:
- Where’s my Refund? Track your refund status from receipt to check date without ever speaking to an IRS agent: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96596,00.html?portlet=101
- Current News: Tax and political related news is available almost up to the minute at this link http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/index.html?portlet=107
- Pay Your Tax Bill We didn’t say you would like all of the ways you can use the website… If you owe money to the IRS you can pay online and avoid waiting on hold: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=241919,00.html?portlet=104
- Identity Theft News & Updates: The IRS is now offering tips and news about how to prevent your identity from being stolen http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=253147,00.html?portlet=108
- Business Tax Information Frequently asked questions and IRS answers for business owners is now available at http://www.irs.gov/businesses/index.html.
- Individual Tax Information is also now available in a Q&A format http://www.irs.gov/individuals/index.html
- Forms for all types of individuals and entities is available as it has been for quite a while.
While the IRS website may be filled with information, we understand it can be overwhelming. Please call us to schedule a consultation today at 480-355-1398.
BASC Expertise is a Mesa based provider of accounting and tax services to individuals and small business owners. We are currently accepting tax prep appointments.
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