20 Twitter #Hashtags for Entrepreneurs

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If you’re like us and a lot of other business owners you understand the value of having an active social media presence. The first step is understanding the products and services offered followed by identifying a target market. For us at BASC Expertise we provide accounting services to small businesses in the Phoenix metro area. We are also available for tax preparation in all 50 states. The Twitter hashtags we use are often targeted to local businesses and chambers of commerce as well as popular business hashtags.

Here are our 20 #Hashtags for Entrepreneurs:

  1. #accounting
  2. #finance
  3. #biztip
  4. #smallbiz
  5. #IRS
  6. #taxtip
  7. #entrepreneur
  8. #marketing
  9. #bookkeeping
  10. #payroll
  11. #local
  12. #[insert geographical area]
  13. #bizowner
  14. #custserv
  15. #businesstips
  16. #ecommerce
  17. #B2B
  18. #B2C
  19. #socbiz
  20. #startup

At BASC Expertise we try to live these tips each day. Here’s to your business growing!

BASC Expertise is a Mesa, AZ based provider of accounting and tax services to individuals and small business owners. We are currently accepting individual and business tax preparation clients as well as clients for our accounting services and payroll divisions.

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