Business Planning

Business Outlook for 2014: Mixed Reviews (Part II)

In Part I of our look at the business and economic outlook in 2014, we discussed some of the positive trends such as the strong recovery in the housing and energy sectors. In normal times, simultaneous recoveries in these two industries would give us plenty of reason to be optimistic about the prospects in the […]

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Business Outlook for 2014: Mixed Reviews (Part I)

According to many analysts, the outlook for businesses and the economy in 2014 is mostly positive, with some factors that could be cause for concern. Overall, the economy is moving in the right direction. Entering our fifth year of economic recovery, growth should continue. According to Inc. Magazine’s survey of the CEOs of the 5000

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Choosing an S Corporation versus a C Corporation

Do you know how your business entity is structured? If you have an LLC, do you pay taxes as a sole proprietor, an S Corp, or a Partner? I meet business owner all the time who don’t know the difference in an organizational structure and a tax classification. This is crucial because if your business

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Five Monthly Business Expenses that Might be Hurting Your Cash Flow

As a business owner, it is critical to keep an eye on your monthly expenses because they can have a huge negative impact on profitability over time. Meeting with your accountant is a great way to keep an eye on your monthly expenses but you can also look at your bank, credit card, and merchant

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Simplify Your Life: Ways for Entrepreneurs to Streamline their Businesses (Part II)

Continuing in our series on simplifying your business life, here are two more ways for entrepreneurs to be more productive: Use Paperless Receipts: One of the most daunting tasks for any entrepreneur is the organization of receipts and ensuring they are entered into your accounting spreadsheet. This is especially true if you have numerous paper

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Simplify Your Life: Ways for Entrepreneurs to Streamline their Businesses (Part I)

Starting your own business is a major undertaking, especially if you are a small businessperson that will be doing most of the work yourself. As an entrepreneur, you need to wear a number of hats. From organizing your business to staying in compliance with government regulations to delivering your services, it can become more than

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