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Payroll Tax

Small Business Tax Tips: Payroll Expenses

Federal law requires most employers to withhold federal taxes from their employees’ wages. Whether you’re a small business owner who’s just starting out or one who has been in business a while and is ready to hire an employee or two, here are five things you should know about withholding, reporting, and paying employment taxes. […]

Small Business Tax Tips: Payroll Expenses

Changes to Research and Development Tax Credit Expands Opportunities

Changes to Research and Development Tax Credit Expands Opportunities On December 18, 2015, the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act was enacted, extending many important tax credits, and making a lot of them permanent. One of the areas in which these changes have the potential to enhance business startup activity is in the Research

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How Will The Payroll Tax Hike Affect You?

According to the Washington Post, the payroll tax hike that took effect on January 1 likely just wiped out any improvement you made in your income over the past year.ย  If you’re a median-wage single person, you’re likely to bring home around $900 less this year than you did last year. An upper-middle class, two-breadwinner

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What Happened When the Bush Tax Cuts Went Away?

Everyone by now has probably noticed that their paychecks are a little slimmer than they were at the beginning of last year; 2% lower, to be precise, due to Congress not extending the temporary reduction of the Social Security payroll tax. But that’s only the widely known tax change and the one with the broadest

What Happened When the Bush Tax Cuts Went Away? Read More ยป

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