Small Business Expenses

Deductible and Non-Deductible Small Business Expenses

Filing taxes for self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses can be quite complicated. In addition, tax liabilities can vary widely depending on the accuracy of your record keeping and which deductions you take. Since small business people are required to pay 15.3% self-employment taxes on all taxable income, it is in your best interests to take […]

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Five Monthly Business Expenses that Might be Hurting Your Cash Flow

As a business owner, it is critical to keep an eye on your monthly expenses because they can have a huge negative impact on profitability over time. Meeting with your accountant is a great way to keep an eye on your monthly expenses but you can also look at your bank, credit card, and merchant

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What Expenses Can Small Businesses Write Off?

Owning and operating your own business involves a different set of challenges than working for someone else as an employee. You need to plan your own schedule, be consistent with marketing to bring in sales, and purchase health, life, and other forms of insurance on your own. Another area where a small businessperson is responsible

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