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Tax Deductions

Income Tax Exemptions

Eight Tax Facts about Exemptions and Dependents Most people can claim an income tax exemptions on their tax return. It can lower your taxable income, which in most cases, that reduces the amount of tax you owe for the year. Here are eight tax facts about exemptions to help you file your tax return. 1. […]

Income Tax Exemptions

Six Overlooked Tax Breaks for Individuals

Confused about which credits and deductions you can claim on your 2016 tax return? You’re not alone. Here are six tax breaks that you won’t want to overlook. 1. State Sales and Income Taxes Thanks to the PATH ACT of 2015, taxpayers filing their 2016 returns can deduct either state income tax paid or state

Six Overlooked Tax Breaks for Individuals

Important Tax Credits You May Qualify For

Many taxpayers that fall into the lower income brackets are not required to file a return. For the 2014 tax year, a single person under age 65 with an income of $10,150 or less is not required to file, and a married couple (both spouses under 65) filing jointly with an income of $20,300 is

Important Tax Credits You May Qualify For

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