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Tax Write Off

Important Tax Credits You May Qualify For

Many taxpayers that fall into the lower income brackets are not required to file a return. For the 2014 tax year, a single person under age 65 with an income of $10,150 or less is not required to file, and a married couple (both spouses under 65) filing jointly with an income of $20,300 is […]

Important Tax Credits You May Qualify For

Can I Take a Standard Deduction and Still Write Off Business Expenses?

A typical tax filing can be relatively simple if you are taking that standard deduction. However, a lot of taxpayers become confused if they do not have enough deductions to itemize but they want to deduct expenses for a home-based business. Here is a common scenario: Taxpayer A rents an apartment. But he also has

Can I Take a Standard Deduction and Still Write Off Business Expenses? Read More ยป

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