5 Reasons to Outsource Payroll

BAW's Home Office
Image by bayareabaw via Flickr

As small business owners we wear many hats but what is our focus? In the midst of taking care of non-core business functions like payroll we may lose focus on basic customer service like returning phone calls. A local entrepreneur described her business as a “delicate dance and balancing act to get everything done” and we agree. So how can outsourcing a function like payroll actually benefit the bottom line?

Here are our five reasons to outsource payroll:


  1. Focus on core business activities: Small business owners get lost in the day to day functions of the business. We may be caught in human resource drama, getting the wireless connection set up or making sure employees are paid when our focus should be building the business.
  2. Cost Benefit: While it may appear that outsourcing payroll is a cost, think about the time spent on learning payroll software, tracking hours, paying taxes and other payroll related tasks. It isn’t simply signing checks. Think about it this way: If you’re spending five hours a week on payroll related activities then you are not spending time obtaining and retaining clients. You may actually be costing the business money by not outsourcing payroll.
  3. Accuracy: You may think you can do it all but the fact is that you can’t give appropriate attention to payroll if you’re also answering phones, setting appointments and learning to use Quickbooks. Trust the professionals to track the details and provide accurate pay to you and your employees. They can also provide reports to your tax preparer.
  4. Less stress: Outsourcing payroll means less worry for you and more time for the business. Does that mean you ignore payroll? No. It means you have a one hour meeting on a regular basis with your professional to discuss payroll questions and concerns instead of spending hours doing it yourself.
  5. Efficiency: You don’t have to learn bookkeeping software like Quickbooks when your payroll specialist already knows it!


If you are interested in learning more about outsourcing payroll or how BASC Expertise can help you create a more efficient business process, please contact us. We offer a complimentary initial meeting.

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