Entrepreneur Tips

Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

If you are a self-employed, you normally carry on a trade or business. Sole proprietors and independent contractors are two types of self-employment. If this applies to you, there are a few basic things you should know about how your income affects your federal tax return. If you’re self-employed, here are six important tax tips […]

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Simplify Your Life: Ways for Entrepreneurs to Streamline their Businesses (Part II)

Continuing in our series on simplifying your business life, here are two more ways for entrepreneurs to be more productive: Use Paperless Receipts: One of the most daunting tasks for any entrepreneur is the organization of receipts and ensuring they are entered into your accounting spreadsheet. This is especially true if you have numerous paper

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Simplify Your Life: Ways for Entrepreneurs to Streamline their Businesses (Part I)

Starting your own business is a major undertaking, especially if you are a small businessperson that will be doing most of the work yourself. As an entrepreneur, you need to wear a number of hats. From organizing your business to staying in compliance with government regulations to delivering your services, it can become more than

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Steps To Take In 2013 To Make Your Business More Successful

As experienced business owners and bookkeepers, we have worked with multiple small business owners, partnering with them to help make their endeavors successful ones. We’ve learned there are fundamental items that successful business owners incorporate into their daily practices that less successful owners may not.If you are looking to expand your business and increase your

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Self Employed Individuals Must Track Business Expenses

Self-employed individuals enjoy unique benefits, but they also have the burden of proving to the Internal Revenue Service that the expenses claimed are legitimate. Business owners need to keep proof of the expenses as well as a business record that backs up the need for that particular expense. Your accounting professional will also tell you

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Skills Entrepreneurs Need To Succeed

Studies have shown that many small business failures are the result of a lack of appropriate management skills. Entrepreneurs that find success are those that focus on their core competencies and outsource tasks that are outside that realm. When you are a startup, it may be difficult to find the resources necessary to outsource tasks

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What Does It Cost To Start A New Business?

You may have the entrepreneurial drive but do you have the start-up cash needed to get your new business from idea to reality? The accountants at BASC Expertise offer this information on how to make an informed decision on what your start-up costs could potentially be. Naturally, these will vary depending on whether you’re working

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Find Ways To Be Known In Your Hometown

Press releases, television appearances and social media are three ways to be known in your community. As an entrepreneur you also need to look outside of the box. You don’t want to be known as just one of the many service providers in your community – you want to be known as THE service provider;

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5 Stress Relieving Tips For Small Business Owners

In honor of Professional Wellness Month we wanted to pass along some tips that entrepreneurs need to keep in mind when it comes to taking care of their health. It’s so easy to become bogged down in the day to day operation of your business that you forget you need to take care of yourself. Burnout is a fact of life for entrepreneurs.

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Top Ten Online Business Resources

How many times have you said “now where did I see that” to yourself? If you’re like us A LOT! In today’s digital world we are inundated with information and tips. From personal finance to business marketing and social media to local deals, there are many resources. As an acocunting firm we’re always going to

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