Top 5 Networking Tips to Grow Your Small Business

Whether in dating or in business we have all had the fear of meeting someone new. We get stuck in our comfort zones or get in our own way by making excuses of why we cannot network. The cold hard fact is that you need to network to grow your business. The best part is that as you grow your business with great products and services your clients will refer new clients to you. While you will still need to network it won’t be as pressured as when first getting started as an entrepreneur.

Here are our top five networking tips to grow your small business:

  1. Get out of your own way: You can’t build a business without clients. Don’t let fear stop you from meeting your next great client. Get out and meet people.
  2. It’s like shoes: You have to find the right fit of networking group for you and your business.
  3. Ask everyone: You never know who will be your next client or your next referral.
  4. Join groups on Meetup, LinkedIn and networking groups in your community.
  5. Establish yourself as an expert in your field when you share information via social media and blogging.

Changing your mindset to embrace the power of networking on your business and personal development will change your bottom line. Throw away the fear and get out to meet new people!

Oftentimes service oriented businesses like accountants offer a complimentary initial consultation like we do here at BASC Expertise! Schedule your post-tax season consultation today by calling 480-355-1398.


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