Personal Finances

What Will Your Financial Legacy Be?

Countless Americans die each year without a deliberate estate plan and when that happens, their family members wake up to the reality that they have very little control over the distribution of their loved one’s assets. Many people believe that they are too young, not wealthy enough, too busy, or a combination of these to […]

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Five Money Mistakes You can Avoid

When it comes to household budgeting, it’s sometimes easy to know where to cut corners; you can buy larger boxes of cereal or snacks and separate it into smaller single serving sizes and the cost per ounce will be less expensive than buying pre-packaged single servings or check out store brand products over name brands,

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Three Steps To Take Now To Plan For Retirement

Retirement planning may not be something you think about when you’re first starting your career. Truly, how many college graduates that land their first jobs understand the importance of contributing to a 401K right out of the gate? They may not understand the importance, but hopefully have someone in their lives that will help them

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Vacation With The Family On A Budget

While many Arizona families may make do with a “staycation”, with careful planning and without breaking the bank you can still take a family vacation and stay within your budget. If it seems impossible this year, make certain you start saving now for next year’s vacation.

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5 Reasons You Might Be Broke

When was the last time you felt like you had no money? Most of us would say pretty often. Whether applied to business or personal or both, there are things we are doing that are making us broke – or at least feel broke. No cash in your wallet or paying for car repairs on

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Why Your Personal Budget Failed – and Tips for Success

At BASC Expertise we provide accounting services to businesses. Oftentimes small businesses or start-ups fall into the space where business and personal comingle for tax purposes. We offer the following tips for personal budgeting — these may also work for a small or startup business with limited expenses: Creating a personal budget is often a

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5 reasons why tax time is all the time – and not just for your accountant

How often have friends and family told you they don’t balance their checkbooks? We’ve heard it ten times if we’ve heard it once. Yes, banking is primarily done online and yes, “balancing a checkbook” is an old term. The fact remains that you need to know where you stand financially so you can make sound

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How to Select an Accountant

As a business owner or individual it is important to know, like and trust those with whom you do business. You don’t recommend a movie that you haven’t seen just the same as you wouldn’t recommend a service provider that you haven’t used. At BASC Expertise we understand small business accounting, payroll and bookkeeping. We

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Top Six Picks: Mobile Apps that Save You Money on Gas

As an accounting business we’re always interested in the bottom line. Numbers are our business and we are always looking for ways to help save our clients money. Whether finding affordable ways to spend time with the family, saving money at the grocery store or saving money at the gas station. Today we’re sharing our

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